dim it scenterior x Freanne.j Scented Candle
#022 Freanne.j -- “belle âme”
This scent was exclusively blended for Freanne.j
Remember those movies where you see a beautiful soul wander down the streets of France, with impeccable style and great details in accessories that capture your attention and you can't help but wonder how she did it…... A sophisticated feminine aura with a feeling of self empowerment and control. Picture this captured in a scented candle -- With amber and jasmine as its top and middle notes, you first pick up the sweet yet subtle floral followed by a grounding cedarwood as a base which gives it a musky tone. Lighting this candle at home will give you exactly what you need for a confidence boost to be the “belle âme” we were all meant to be.
Top: amber
Middle: jasmine
Base: cedarwood
dim it scenterior x Freanne.j 香味蠟燭已經接受 order 啦!🌟
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🌟 關於dim it scenterior x Freanne.j 蠟燭的香味:
由於本店名Freanne.j (讀音:Fi-Ann-Dot-J) 源於一個法國女生的名字,所以本蠟燭香味期望帶有法系的輕甜味花香,但又能保持避免太甜或太單純的花香,故加上琥珀的甜味,以加強層次。麝香會令人感覺舒適、清新而吸引,木調是為了配合本店的木系擺設以及黃銅飾物帶來的輕奢古典味道。
🌟 建議使用的好時機:
🌟 關於產品及使用說明:
- 本產品採用 100% 大豆蠟製成
- 產品使用後如出現凹凸不平,乃屬大豆蠟在燃燒後的正常現象,
- 產品有效使用期達至 2 年
- 每罐 100g 香味爉燭總共可燃燒 20 - 25 小時
- 首次使用建議燃燒最少 2 小時,請確保表層蠟完全融化至罐內周邊,
- 建議使用 dim it 的 USB 火機
- 請定期修剪燭芯至 0.5 cm
- 使用後請不要用口吹熄,避免出現黑煙。建議用原本附贈的燭蓋來熄滅,
- 請讓產品與小童及寵物保持安全距離
- 孕婦在懷孕期間,建議請暫時不要使用本產品
@freanne.j | www.freanne-j.com
@dim_it_scenterior | www.dimit.store